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New Features in Vault Professional 2025: Enhancements for More Efficient Work

In the latest update, Vault Professional 2025 brings improvements suggested by users and the Vault community. Autodesk focuses on optimizing project design and data management processes. This release introduces key enhancements such as email notifications for lifecycle transitions and significant administrative improvements. These changes demonstrate a keen understanding of industry needs and the commitment to establish new standards for efficiency in teamwork and data security.

The update emphasizes features designed to speed up communication and streamline processes. New email notifications automatically update the team on crucial project stages, reducing information flow delays. Enhancements in password management and the ability to delete content give administrators greater control over security and data organization. Furthermore, general client improvements, advanced search options, and the updated Copy Design tool boost the tool’s performance and flexibility.

Vault Professional 2025 is more than a tool—it enhances engineering processes and concurrently boosts security and collaboration capabilities.

Email notifications on lifecycle transitions

Boost collaboration within your team using Vault’s new Lifecycle Email Notification feature.

When designs move to the next stage, the relevant team members are automatically notified via email that work is to be done. This ensures that team members are promptly informed when new data is ready for their attention, eliminating the need for direct communication.


What’s New:

  • Set up email notifications within Vault to alert selected members when a specified lifecycle state transition occurs, using a pre-defined email template.
  • Create custom email templates, including the subject line and body, in a central location accessible to all users.
  • Automated notifications will be triggered and sent whenever a state transition occurs.

Administration enhancements

Check out the new capabilities and enhancements available for administration in this release.

Password policy

Enforce a strong password policy for enhanced security.

As an administrator, you can now enforce a password policy to prevent unauthorized access and protect against potential security breaches. Administrators can enforce users to create passwords that meet specific criteria such as a minimum length, a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

If the administrator enforces a password policy and the current password fails to meet the set requirements, the system will prompt end users to reset their password on their next login. Thin Client users must log in through Thick Client or contact administrators to change the password.

Purge updates

Purge folders

Like purging file/item versions, administrators and project administrators can now purge all content files within a selected project. This helps to save the time and effort required to manually choose and purge each file individually. For more information, see Purge Folder.

Purge on lifecycle transition

Enable Purge under Transaction actions to schedule the purging of any files, folders, or items that change during the corresponding state transition.


All selected files, folders, and items are purged using the selective purge server task in the ADMS Console.

General enhancements

Check out some of the general enhancements made to the Vault Client.


Criteria-based basic search

Use the existing saved search to apply the search criteria to the basic search (grid).


The search criteria entered in the Quick Find bar or in the Find dialog can be saved and used on any folder.

If the criteria applied to the basic search (grid) don’t match the workspaces parameter or the folder parameter, the search is performed within your current folder. If the option is selected, it will also search within subfolders.

The search criteria are saved by default when an Advanced find (property condition) search is saved by the user, and it appears in the “Apply Criteria of” list.


Vault Basic copy design

Removed the old Copy Design in Vault Basic and replaced it with the Copy Design functionality in Vault Professional.

Copy Design is one of the most powerful features of Autodesk Vault. Engineers are leveraging existing designs by reusing them to save design time or by copying and updating an existing design to reduce design time. Besides the reduced modeling time, design reuse impacts the cost and time savings in downstream engineering, manufacturing, and purchasing.

The new Copy Design provides more flexibility and control over how your designs are copied.


  • Copy Design is now a modeless dialog with a toolbar. It can now remain open while you use the Vault Client for other commands as well as add files to be copied.
  • You can customize the layout of the Copy Design application by adding and removing column fields, controlling whether grid lines and banding are shown, enabling automatic column-sizing, selecting which Navigation Panels display and which navigation buttons are displayed.
  • The Action column displays the current action assigned to a file so you can tell at-a-glance how the file will be handled. Actions include Copy, Copy To, Reuse, Replace, Exclude, and Auto.
  • The Navigation Panels help users identify important information about their copied designs and apply certain actions to multiple files at once. Users can filter by file status, view the source and destination of copied files, and explore the folder structure of the copied design.
  • Administrators can define rule sets that determine property values for the copied files when certain conditions are met.
  • Use the Numbering Scheme Panel to see the old file name, the new name, any prefixes, the base name, and any post-fixes. Administrators can add unique numbering schemes for copy design operations by creating a new numbering scheme in the Vault Client. Users can select from different numbering schemes so that each copied file adheres to a naming convention that suits their design environment.

Thin Client enhancements

Check out the enhancements made to the Thin Client.

As an administrator, you now have the option to customize the Thin Client display settings.

Markdown card metadata

You can:

  • Hide/unhide the file, item, and change order workspace.
  • Set the workspace as the default landing page.
  • Upload your custom logo instead of the default Autodesk Thin Client logo.