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AutoCAD Electrical

AutoCAD® Electrical supports the design of electrical control systems with advanced tools for creating and modifying electrical circuit diagrams. Integration with Autodesk Inventor enables precise incorporation of electrical schematics into the 3D model.


Project data management
Facilitating cooperation
Reduction of errors and inconsistencies
Work automation

Autodesk® AutoCAD Electrical is a stand-alone product or part of a suite.

kolekcja AEC, architecture engineering & construction collectionproduct design & manufacturing collection, kolekcja PDM

Informacje dodatkowe
Download brochure Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical system requirements
Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical system requirements
System requirements for AutoCAD Electrical 2017
Operating System
  • Microsoft® Windows® 10
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 with Update KB2919355
  • Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
CPU Type 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
Memory For 32-bit AutoCAD Electrical 2017:

  • 2 GB (3 GB recommended)

For 64-bit AutoCAD Electrical 2017:

  • 4 GB (8 GB recommended)
Display Resolution 1360×768 (1600×1050 or higher recommended) with True Color.
125% Desktop Scaling (120 DPI) or less recommended.
Display Card Windows display adapter capable of 1360×768 with True Color capabilities and DirectX® 9 ¹. DirectX 11 compliant card recommended.
Disk Space Installation 12.0 GB
Pointing Device MS-Mouse compliant
Digitizer WINTAB support
Media (DVD) Download and installation from DVD
Browser Windows Internet Explorer® 9.0 (or later)
.NET Framework .NET Framework Version 4.6
ToolClips Media Player Adobe Flash Player v10 or up
Network Deployment via Deployment Wizard.

The license server and all workstations that will run applications dependent on network licensing must run TCP/IP protocol.

Either Microsoft® or Novell TCP/IP protocol stacks are acceptable. Primary login on workstations may be Netware or Windows.

In addition to operating systems supported for the application, the license server will run on the Windows Server® 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows 2008 R2 Server editions.

Citrix® XenApp™ 7.6, Citrix® XenDesktop™ 7.6.

¹ DirectX 9 recommended by supported OS.


Additional Requirements for Large Datasets, Point Clouds, and 3D Modeling
Memory 8 GB RAM or greater
Disk Space 6 GB free hard disk available, not including installation requirements
Display Card 1600×1050 or greater True Color video display adapter; 128 MB VRAM or greater; Pixel Shader 3.0 or greater; Direct3D®-capable workstation class graphics card.

Note: 64-bit Operating Systems are recommended if you are working with Large Datasets, Point Clouds and 3D Modeling and required if you are using the Model Documentation feature of AutoCAD Electrical.

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